
Services and tariffs for press review

Choose between three service packages and a range of additional options.

Services and tariffs: Press review


75 mth.*


125 mth.*


225 mth.*

storable searches
(more on request)




Book basic Book Book comfort Book Book professional Book
Access to up-to-date articles from as early as 1 a.m. Ja Ja Ja
Monitoring of more than 3,000 sources Ja Ja Ja
Creation of individual searches and source segments, which can be changed for free at any time Ja Ja Ja
Hit lists and summaries incl. highlighting of search terms Ja Ja Ja
Choice of output format: XML, HTML or PDF Ja Ja Ja
E-mail notification, hit lists with summaries as alert function Ja Ja
Many articles available in their original layout (PDF clippings) Ja
Article preview (article can be read before purchase) Ja
  Book basic Book Book comfort Book Book professional Book
Notes regarding the table “Services and tariffs for press review”: * These tariffs are offset against the monthly costs for acquired media items and licenses. The stated prices are exclusive of statutory reduced VAT. ** Prices are exclusive of statutory VAT.

Services and tariffs for media analysis

Choose between three service packages and a range of additional options.

Contract period

Services and tariffs: Media analysis


1995 per year


3150 per year


6300 per year


9450 per year

1 topic
2 users/logins

1 topic
2 users/logins

5 topics
3 users/logins

10 topics
5 users/logins

Book extra-small Book Book small Book Book medium Book Book large Book
Search and find
Media basis More than 3.000 regional, national and international newspapers, journals, magazines, online media, newsletters, agencies
Retrospective analysis 31 days
Results Unlimited incl. hit list and text excerpt
Data storage (metadata/snippets) for unchanged topics 13 months
Presence Ja Ja Ja Ja
Tonality, subjects Ja Ja Ja
Opinion leaders, circulation Ja Ja Ja
User-defined filters Ja Ja Ja
Reach Ja Ja
Advertising value / AVE (unweighted) Ja
Create and send reports/alerts Ja Ja Ja Ja
Export item lists Ja Ja Ja Ja
Compile dashboards Ja Ja Ja
  Book extra-small Book Book small Book Book medium Book Book large Book
Notes regarding the table “Services and tariffs for media analysis”: All stated prices are exclusive of statutory VAT. Additional price calculations can be provided on request. Package solutions are available for large customers and agencies. *A topic is a combination of keywords using Boolean search syntax, e.g. a company, brand, person, subject or issue.

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