Creating press reviews

Are you a press spokesperson, head of communications or someone responsible for monitoring the media landscape in your company? Would you like to know how to create and distribute press reviews inexpensively and in full compliance with the law? In this short tutorial, we provide all the answers you need with a look at the PMG press database.

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Are you a press spokesperson, head of communications or someone responsible for monitoring the media landscape in your company? Would you like to know how to create and distribute press reviews inexpensively and in full compliance with the law? In this short tutorial, we provide all the answers you need with a look at the PMG press database.

How do you create a press review?

The days when companies and organisations carried out media monitoring using scissors, glue and paper are long gone. Given the enormous number of articles that are published daily, it is simply impossible to analyse these reports manually. Digital press reviews have now replaced paper press reviews because they save time and effort and cover more media than a manual evaluation.

But how can you create your own digital press review? We explain the process step by step.

8 steps to creating a digital press review

  1. Define the basic parameters of your press review: What topic or topics should the press review cover? How often do you wish to produce your press review? Which media do you want to include in the search?
  1. Define the readership, i.e. the people who will ultimately receive and read the press review. This can be the management or all employees of an organisation.
  1. Choose a press database or a tool for creating press reviews. German-language media are most comprehensively covered in the PMG press database.
  1. Once you have access to the database, you can create search queries based on your topics. Pay attention to the syntax, i.e. the logical language of your chosen tool. Syntax information can often be helpful. For example, you can use syntax operators to exclude certain terms or contextualise them with an OR operation. Find out more in our “Configuring a search” tutorial.
  1. Set up e-mail alerts to be notified of hits or set notifications for specific times. That way, you are always kept up to date.
  1. You will now regularly receive a list of all the articles found (hits). If necessary, remove the terms from your search that are of no interest to you.
  1. In order not to infringe copyright, you must purchase licenses for the selected titles (clippings). With PMG digital press reviews, you can purchase an article directly through the press database. The publishers, who are usually the rights holders, do not need to be contacted.
  1. All that is left to do is compile the acquired clippings in one document. Then send your press review to your chosen readers, for example in PDF format via e-mail or messenger or publish it on the intranet.

Would you like to know more about press reviews? The tools offered by PMG can be found here:

Press review with PMG

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